Thursday, January 30, 2020

Ethics of Marketing to Schools in America Essay Example for Free

Ethics of Marketing to Schools in America Essay Public schools across America are struggling with their budgets and looking to outside corporations for help. Conveniently, private corporations realize the potential buying power of students and have decided that elementary schools are the best channel to reach them. It has become routine for corporations to market there products in schools, and in exchange these schools receive various financial benefits. This new partnership has become the focus of much controversy as 80% of Americans feel that corporations should have no place in schools (). The two most cited concerns are the health of children and the growing commercialization of schools. This paper looks at this issue in detail by answering the following two questions. Is it ethical for corporations to market products in schools? What is the most socially responsible course of action for corporations to take? This paper will use a utilitarian and distributive justice framework to prove that marketing in schools is unethical and propose that the most ethical arrangement is to make schools commercial-free zones. This paper will also discuss the issue of corporate social responsibility through shareholder and stakeholder lenses to prove that there is a strong business case for corporations to? Children in schools are marketed to in a variety of ways. Schools can participate in incentive programs where a school receives funds to take part in a specific activity such as collecting box tops (). Some corporations offer free educational materials to schools that promote their corporate message. Pepsi encourages a thirst for knowledge on a popular textbook cover(). Each year over half of the students in schools in the United States receive free textbook covers(). McDonalds, Burger King and Dominos sponsor reading projects in schools with free meals(). Other schools receive free electronic equipment like computers and satellites for participating in programs like channel one. This is an arrangement where school receive free electronic equipment for having their students watch a 10 minute broadcast of which 2 minutes are corporate sponsored commercials (). All of these marketing techniques pose there own unique ethical dilemmas, however the most controversial type of marketing in schools today is the use of exclusive agreements. This is when corporations give schools a percentage of their profits in exchange for the right to be the sole provider of a product or a service(). The most prominent example of this is the soft drink company, Coca-Cola and their exclusive distribution rights with schools. As a result, Coca-Cola advertisements have become the most visible types of advertisements in schools today (). A US National School Health Policies study found that students could purchase soft drinks in 60% of elementary schools and 83% of middle schools (). Of these schools over 85% were under an exclusive contract with the Coca-Cola company (). For the aforementioned reasons the remainder of this paper will use the soft drink giant Coca Cola as a symbol to make it easier to understand the larger debate of marketing in elementary schools. A deontological framework can not determine whether this issue is ethical or unethical. In 1990 under $100 million was spent on advertising targeted at kids, just a decade later that number was up more than twenty times to over $2 billion (). This large increase in spending indicates that there is a strong motivation for corporations to market to youth. One way to determine if marketing in schools is ethical is to deconstruct these motivations through a deontological framework. The motivation for companies to market in schools could be a philanthropic opportunity to contribute to education. However, I do not believe this because companies like Coca-Cola make schools sign exclusive agreements, which means that they block competition and are profitable. I believe the main motive for companies to market to youth is to make money. Marketing to students in schools is an effective strategy as it reaps both short and long term rewards. Children in elementary schools have a lot of spending power. Kids ages 4-12 spend $40 billion each year (). Furthermore, these same kids influence $600 billion of household spending (). It is wise for companies to try to earn a share of this large market. Surprisingly, the sales of sodas in schools account for a miniscule slice of soda sales worldwide, less than 1 percent of sodas 66billion dollar industry (). Clearly profit in the short run is not the main motivating factor for companies like Coca-Cola. Marketing in public elementary school promises long run benefits. Soft drink companies can create brand loyalty with their consumers at an early age. In other words, they foster and retain a captive audience for its products. If you consider the cutthroat competition among soft drink makers for customers, this brand loyalty becomes a vital business pursuit. A deontological framework can better help us deconstruct the ehics of marketing to youth purely for financial reasons. Specifically, this paper will employ some of W. D. Ross duties. It can be argued that marketing in schools violates the duty of non-malefiicence (to do no harm). Some children will substitute a nutritious meal for a sugar laden soda. That is harmful to their health. Marketing in schools also violates the duty of gratitude. It does not thank customers for their business by protecting their health. Instead, companies like Coca-Cola continue to aggressively market their unhealthy product to vulnerable youth. On the other hand, if one considers a corporation a person, then a corporation fulfils Rosss duty of self-improvement by marketing in schools. It improves its own condition by increasing its profits in the short and the long run. Additionally, if a company honestly abides by the contract it signs with a school then it is upholding Rosss duty of fidelity. The framework of deontology is inadequate to determine the ethics of marketing in schools because it presents us with conflicting duties and no hierarchy to put them into. There is an incompatible difference between the various duties. However, this situation did not become controversial simply because some believe that a corporation might have bad ethics, instead people are worried about the consequences of marketing in schools. A utilitarian framework shows us that marketing in schools is unethical. Marketing in elementary school is controversial because it offers many direct benefits to schools, but negatively impact students. Through a utilitarian framework this paper will deconstruct the pros and cons of the scenario to determine whether marketing in schools is ethical. This paper will conduct a cost-benefit analysis to determine what results in the greatest good for the greatest number of people. The main players that benefit in this scenario are schools, shareholders of the Coca-Cola company, and employees. All of these players benefit in financial terms. Vending machines are a valuable source of revenue for schools. They support programs that might otherwise go unfunded. Elementary schools have reason to be concerned about their finances, the state of California cut the elementary school budget by $10 billion dollars in 2003 (). If a school district signs an exclusive contract with a soft-drink company it can generate an additional $3 million per year (). School districts receive all of this money for virtually no additional work on there part. This is why the cliche that: one day our schools will have all the money they need, and the Air Force will have to hold a bake sale to buy a bomber could become true (). Company shareholders benefit in the long run if we assume that marketing in schools create brand loyalty among consumers. Company employees also benefit from the sales of sodas in schools, simply because their company is continuing to be competitive in the marketplace and provide work for them. However, the positive impact of selling sodas in schools impacts company employees considerably less than other players in this scenario, because these employees will not be receiving a pay raise as a result of this practice. While there are some positive effects of marketing in schools, I feel that the cons greatly outweigh the benefits. Students bear the burden of the negative effects of marketing in schools. Marketing to youth perpetrates problems of childhood obesity, materialism, eating disorders, violence, and family stress (). This is especially problematic because children are more cognitively immature and prone to believe that products marketed in school carry their schools endorsement. For instance, if a school sells soda it signifies that it is acceptable to consume drinks that are high in sugar and have poor nutritional quality. A childs health is not an acceptable trade-off for increased revenues. Childhood obesity is an epidemic in America. One-quarter of children in the United States are overweight which means they are at risk for lifelong health problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and cavities (). Competitors also suffer in this scenario because ? exclusive agreements create a monopoly on a school and therefore promote unfair competition and can charge whatever price they want. The difficulty of examining ethics from a utilitarian perspective is that is impossible to predict the future. It is not clear how much the financial revenue schools gain from executive agreements helps them to fulfill their purpose of teaching. It is also not clear how high the correlation is between marketing in schools and negative outcomes like obesity. What is known is that most of the negative consequences (and there are a lot of them) fall on the shoulders of the students. Having the burden of this issue fall on the shoulders of millions of students nationwide is bad for society as a whole. Children need to be educated in a healthy atmosphere so that they can become productive members of society one day. It is detrimental to the future if children are not provided with the best learning environment possible. The best learning environment possible is one that is free from commercial influences. The Distributive Justice framework shows that monopolies are unethical. According to John Rawls we should determine ethical dilemmas like whether marketing in schools is ethical by making the decision from behind a veil of ignorance. The distributive justice framework tries to ensure that the interests of the worst off in society are considered. According to this theory, students well-being should be put before business interests because students are the most vulnerable group in this scenario. However, there is an inherent conflict of interest within this framework. Corporations believe that marketing in schools is ethical because they are exercising their 1st amendment right to free speech. Everybody has this right, thus they are utilizing the equal liberty principle: equal rights to liberties as long as all may be provided such liberties. The problem is that not even all corporations are being provided the liberty of free speech. As previously mentioned Coca Cola has an exclusive agreement with 85% of elementary schools in America, this is just a nice way to say that Coca Cola has a monopoly on the elementary school market (). Companies that engage in exclusive distributive contracts are trying to block competitors. They can not justify this action on the ground that they need to do this to spur innovation, they want a monopoly so they can control the school market. Thus the difference principle comes into play because the inequality that these companies are creating in the market place needs to be addressed. The most ethical thing to do is to make schools commercial free zones. Marketing in schools is unethical. The most ethical thing to do is to make elementary schools commercial-free zones. Students should be able to pursue learning free of commercial influences and pressures. Eighty percent of adults in the United States agree that schools should be commercial-free zones as well (). While this may be the most ethical course of action, it seems highly unlikely as marketing in schools has become entrenched. Schools continually need more money and the government is unable to provide it. If marketing in schools must continue at the very least it should be regulated. It does not seem probable that the industry will regulate itself, so it should be subject to more government oversight. Right now there is very little the government has done to restrict marketing in schools. Laws forbidding it are perceived to be a breach of the 1st amendment. A study found that only nineteen states currently have statues or regulations that address school-related commercial activities (). This number includes states that have statues that encourage commercial activities. The government should establish an independent commission to regulate marketing in public schools. This agency should make regulations that encourage schools to provide a healthy learning environment for students. The agency could regulate the sale of foods high in fat, sodium, and sugars. For example, it could decide that vending machines can not be stocked with sodas; however juices (100%) and water could still be sold. There would be greater social acceptance of this issue if it were implemented more appropriately. The business case for CSR prevails. This paper has established that the most ethical thing for corporations to do is to stop marketing to students in schools, or at the very least to regulate what they market to children. If a company were to stop marketing to children for the aforementioned ethical considerations it would be following a normative line of reasoning. The company would be interested in doing the right thing for society with little regard for how the proposition would effect its own bottom line. While I would applaud its efforts on a moral basis, this would be a very poor reason to engage in Corporate Social Responsibility. There needs to be a business incentive for corporations to engage in Corporate Social Responsibility. A company has to be successful financially if it is going to survive in the long run. However, there is always a business case for corporate social responsibility with respect to companies that sell consumer products. In the long run the closer a company aligns with the values of society the more successful it will be. Good ethics and good business are mutually reinforcing. In this case 80% of society wants commercial-free schools or at least commercialism that is regulated. It is socially responsible for a company to accommodate the wishes of society because it is in their long run interest to build a good reputation. A company like Coca-cola may be more successful at recruiting, retaining, and engaging with its employees and customers if it demonstrates that it is socially responsible. Critics might argue that this is just mere window dressing. However, a good reputation leads to higher sales in the long run. Both shareholder and stakeholder frameworks would support the business case for corporate social responsibility in this scenario. Milton Freidman is an advocate of the shareholder theory which maintains that a companies corporate social responsibility is to maximize profits without breaking the law or violating basic rules of society. Coca-Cola is not breaking any laws by marketing in schools, it is merely exercising its first amendment right to free speech. It is also not violating any social norms, children get to choose whether they want to buy unhealthy products. On one hand it may seem that Freidman would say that corporations should continue to market in schools because they are making a profit and therefore helping society. However Freidman would agree that companies need to balance there short term gains against their long-term interest. In this case, Freidman would advocate for the restriction of marketing in schools because it is in the long run self-interest of the company because companies like Coca-Cola needs to reassure their customers that they care about them. . An alternative approach to corporate social responsibility is the stakeholder theory. This theory maintains that companies should balance the interests of all stakeholders involved. In this scenario the stakeholders would be the students (customers), parents, teachers, corporations, suppliers, employees, shareholders, and society. Students are harmed by marketing in schools because marketing is correlated with problems like obesity and materialism. On the other hand these same students benefit because their schools are receiving additional funding for programs. Parents suffer because they have less control over what their children are exposed to, and it could undermine their values. Shareholders may benefit in the short run from marketing in schools, but in the long run the values of the company must be aligned with society if it is going to succeed. Therefore, the stakeholder theory would advocate a business case for Corporate Social Responsibility as well: to limit marketing in schools. Marketing in schools is a complex issue with many players. In this case, students are the most important players because schools are public institutions and schools are supposed to make students a top priority. Marketing in schools can not stop on its own, it needs to be either strictly prohibited or at the very least limited by the government.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Magnet Therapy Essay -- essays research papers fc

A. Introduction and Definition: Magnet therapy is an alternative treatment which has been gaining ground in recent years. Magnet therapy is related to biomagnetism which is a branch of biology that studies the effects of magnetism in living beings as well as magnetism and electromagnetism. Many experiments have been conducted in the world. Over time, practitioners have kept records of what has and has not worked. Precautionary measures are now known to use with magnet therapy. It has been known to promote magnet therapy as a very safe and effective treatment when used correctly. B. Historical Aspects and Background: The origin of biomagnetism started centuries ago by the people of India, China, the eastern Mediterranean basin, and Australian aborigines and native Africans. Around 200 B.C., the Greek physician Galen noted magnetism was being used for it’s purgative powers. A persian physician named Ali Abbas was using magnetism to treat "spasms" and "gout" around A.D. 1000. Also, in the 16th century, Paracelsus, an innovative Swiss physician claimed to cure "hernias, gout, and jaundice" through the use of magnets. To understand the history of biomagnetism, it is necessary to examine the earlier history of magnetism and electromagnetism. Only a few hundred years ago did electromagnetism emerge, but the knowledge of magnetism goes back to ancient times. Legends say that a shepard named Magus discovered a mineral that attracted the nails of his sandals as he crossed Mount Ida in Asia Minor about twenty-five hundred years ago. The mineral today is known as ma gnetite. Some sources say that the word "magnetism" comes from Magnesia, a city in Asia Minor where the stone can be found. It has been observed when a magnet is left free to spin, it always rests in the same position. In 1269, Pierre de Maricourt had differentiated the two poles. He called the poles "north" and "south." "North" was the pole that points to the geographic north pole and "South" the pole that points to the geographic south pole. Later, it was observed that opposite poles attract and same type poles repel. In this case, "North" the pole of magnet pointing to the geographic south and "South" the pole pointing to the geographic north. ... ...essages to the brain when stimulated. Nerve cells have a negative internal charge and a positive external charge unlike blood cells. When the north pole of a magnet is applied to the skin next to the nerve endings, the negative energy of the magnet and positive energy of the nerve cells attract each other. There are many more positive effects of magnet therapy that relate to the endocrine system, joints, muscles, and the blood. Personally, I have gone to massage therapy, for my back, as long as 6 months or so. I have had little to no relief at all. I have though about the use of magnet therapy quite a bit. If magnet therapy could be an alternative in treatment of my back, I would definitely have to say yes! Magnet therapy has many positive effects and more and more research is being conducted to this day. F. Bibliography: 1. Healing With Magnets, Gary Null, Ph.D. Carroll and Graf Publishers, Inc. 1998. 2. Magnet Therapy: The Gentle and Effective Way to Balance Body Systems, Ghanshyam Singh Birla and Colette Hemlin, Healing Arts Press, 1999. 3. Magnet Therapy: The Pain Cure Alternative, Ron Lawrence, M.D., Ph.D., Paul J. Rosch, M.D., F.A.C.P., and Judith Plowden

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Clinical Psychology OCD treatment and approaches Essay

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) has a cognitive-behavioral component that includes a distortion of an individual’s environment. OCD has similar components to many anxiety disorders. Anxiety is a result of a disrupted and dysfunctional thought patterns. Anxiety produces adverse reactions affecting the nervous system and an overload of stimulation. Research suggests a genetic predisposition and hormonal malfunction can contribute to an individual’s suffering from OCD. The obsessions of OCD are impulses an individual cannot control. The individual affected by OCD feels the only relief from the compulsions is to complete the rituals to relieve the anxiety. The behavioral components associated with obsessive thoughts and impulses produce ritualistic practices. The emotional components from a psychodynamic perspective have possible implications from early childhood with negative feelings associated with the relationships with his or her parents. Psychologists suggest the underlying condition later evolve into an OCD diagnosis (Hansell & Damour, 2008). There are four major approaches for the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Cognitive-behavioral, humanistic, family systems, and psychodynamic approaches are the four major therapy treatments. These approaches have different perceptions of methods for management. Each approach understands obsessive compulsive disorder as a disorder where an individual exhibits undesirable repetitive and anxiety producing behaviors and emotions followed by a compulsive behavior of repetitive rituals. The individuals affected by OCD believe the anxiety will be reduced by performing the ritual (Hansell & Damour, 2008). Cognitive-behavioral theory establishes the negative behaviors associated to an individual’s environment with positive or negative reinforcements and consequences for the actions. The individuals suffering from OCD respond and adjust to his or her behaviors associated with interaction received in his or her environment. Cognitive-behavioral theory with OCD associates the compulsive behavior of rituals that provide perceived relief from anxiety as produced by disturbing thoughts and impulses (Hansell & Damour, 2009). The approach facilitates a decrease and reduction in the anxiety as it associates with the reinforcement of the rituals. The cognitive behavioral approach focuses on changes in the way an individual responds to the stressor, changing the ritualistic response to the disturbing thoughts. The individual is asked to think about something disturbing to become anxious and not practice the usual ritualistic behavior as part of treatment (Cottraux, Yao, Lafont, Mollard, Bouvard, Sauteraud & Dartigues, 2001). The goal of cognitive-behavioral therapy is focused on the disruption of the ritualistic behavior and allows the individual to experience the anxiety without the ritual to develop coping skills and process the thoughts (Fisher & Wells, 2005). The process of obsessive thoughts and ritualistic behaviors is interrupted causing the behavior to discontinue negative reinforcement of the anxiety breaking the ritual patterns. Treating the individuals with strategies to deal with anxiety teaches self-efficacy when reaching the desired goals. The therapist should specialize in cognitive therapy for training and knowledge to assist the individual in treatment (Barlow, 2007). The focus of this approach is different from Humanistic approach and other approaches by teaching to interrupt the ritualistic behavior The Humanistic approach focuses on the existential assumptions that personal agency and free will are the idea of all individuals. The concepts to the theory are that individuals are basically good with innate desires to become better and make the world better. The humanistic approach emphasizes the self-worth of individuals and his or her values are of good nature. This approach is positive and optimistic theorizing the understanding that humans desire to be free of pain and despair. Maslow theorized personal growth as a primal human motive and personal growth are lifelong. The Humanistic perspective was very popular after World War I (Dombeck, 2006). This approach is less effective in treating OCD than other approaches. Humanism embraces the assumption of an individual is a cognitive aware being. The main principle of humanism argues other schools of therapy apply the approach as the therapy and treatment of the mental illness instead of the individuals actively participating in maintaining his or her emotional state (Plante, 2011). The goals of humanistic therapy for OCD is focused on recreating a positive and appropriate environment. The change in the individual’s environment assists him or her in development for evolving into mature healthy individuals. Psychological dysfunction with OCD is caused by a disruption in the development of individual’s maturity and social skills. The treatment enables the individuals to develop a natural environment and the abilities to live in a healthier environment and mental state. Humanistic therapy has the expectation of normalcy and that is the goal. This behavioral therapy encourages the replacement of bad behaviors with more appropriate ones. The positive replacement of problems assists with less anxiety and fear. Research has not proven the humanistic approach to an effective treatment for relieving the symptoms of OCD (Dombeck, 2006). Unlike the Family system approach that shows best results in treating OCD. Family systems approach consists of assistance from the therapist with the family in assessing the individual’s disorder. The goal is to improve the communication of the unit. There are several techniques applied to accomplish this including for example changing the perceptions of the family. Developing a rapport with the family assists the therapist in understanding the reasons the individuals became OCD with insight to the dynamics of the family unit. The therapist identifies the anxiety producing relationships between family members (Plante, 2011). Developing coping mechanisms to the symptoms of anxiety producing thoughts and ritualistic coping behavior is the main focus of treatment. The focus on reducing the symptoms of OCD of the individual includes comprehension and understanding of the anxiety and distress the individual experiences. Identifying the source of the anxiety producing stressors assists with establishing new avenues to relate to the family unit, interrupting the individual’s obsessive-compulsive behaviors (Zohar & Insel, 1987). The therapist attempts communication repair to re-establish healthy communication within the family and decrease any inaccurate assumptions by the family about the individual’s symptoms that increase the stressors that produce OCD symptoms. The approach focuses on disengaging dysfunctional family behaviors and establishes a better family relationship. The family unit contains the dysfunction that triggers OCD behaviors (Plante, 2011). Family therapy is an effective treatment in addition to other therapies as part of a multimodal treatment focused on emotional disorders however; the severe symptoms of OCD require combined therapies (Stein, 2002). History shows psychological treatment focused on the individual with the family unit as the cause of OCD symptoms and behaviors. Family members were not included in the individual’s therapy. The family members were not considered relevant to the recovery of the individual. Later psychological discipline family system approach was established and applied in clinical applications (Plante, 2011). Family systems therapy focuses on the inadequacies in the family unit. Family systems therapy is less efficient as a single therapy for the treatment of OCD therefore in combination with other therapies increases the successfulness of the treatment (Barlow, 2007). Psychodynamic therapy focuses on anxiety associated with unconscious emotional beliefs. Therapists apply basic psychodynamic techniques to anxiety disorders (Fisher & Wells, 2005). The individual and the therapist establish a relationship where the individual is encouraged to discuss openly the underlying reasons of the anxiety. Guided imagery is applied in the this approach. The therapist assists the individual to identify and understand his or her issues as a reaction to current and past issues. The psychodynamic approach assists to uncover unconscious reactions therefore the therapist assists in interpreting the individual’s thoughts, feelings, and dreams. The therapist assists the individual in identifying the unconscious motives to resolve the negative emotions. Identifying the causes of anxiety is effective with treating anxiety disorders. Psychodynamic therapy develops treatment goals (McLean, Whittal, Thordarson, Taylor, Sochting, Koch, Anderson, 2001). Severe cases of OCD are most effectively treated with a combined cognitive behavioral therapy and psychodynamic therapy in relieving the symptoms of OCD. Training psychodynamic clinicians to apply cognitive-behavioral techniques assist in a more successful treatment plan and successful treatment of individuals with OCD (Barlow, 2007). The major theoretical approaches of behavior assist psychologists with the understanding of mental disorders. Cognitive-behavioral approach focuses on measuring observable behavior by applying classical and operant conditioning to the individual’s behavior. The humanistic approach focuses on the individual’s ability to develop the skills to become a more active with growth oriented goals (Plante, 2011). The family systems approach explains OCD behaviors originate from the consequences of family dysfunction. The psychodynamic approach focuses on the unconscious influence of the individual’s lack of ability to develop healthy mental processes. Psychology assists in developing a healthy relationship in the unit relieving the individual of the symptoms of mental illness. All of the approaches have advantages in treating specific disorders; some are proven more effective with specific challenges and some perspectives. The combination of various perspectives in clinical psychology allows the therapist to apply therapies for a more successful change in the individual’s behaviors. Research and clinical practice assist in uncovering the various human behaviors making development of these approaches change to accommodate these new discoveries of mental disorders and the treatments (Plante, 2011). The path to healthy homeostasis of the mind requires proper treatment to balance mental health.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Lasting Effects of European Colonization on Native...

Effects of Colonisation on North American Indians Since the Europeans set foot on North American soil in 1620,they have had a devastating effect on the native population. I will be discussing the long term effect of North American colonisation on the Native Americans, focusing on such issues as employment opportunities, the environment, culture and traditions, health, as well as social justice. I will begin with the important issue of employment opportunities. The unemployment rate for Native Americans is a staggering 49%. The following reasons state why the unemployment rate is so high. To start with, Native Americans have been portrayed by the media (such as movies) as primitive and hostile when in fact it is quite the†¦show more content†¦This inability to interact with the surrounding environment forced Native Americans to rely more heavily on western culture. Soon after the Europeans arrived, the natives were aggressively encouraged to follow European beliefs and culture. Native Americans were forced into this new religious belief system and it forever changed their cultural identity. Native Americans frequently used many locations as a sacred place, where they performed many culturally significant rituals. Since European settlement, these locations have been taken over and the indigenous people forcibly relocated or even been destroyed. For example, the Black Hills, a mountain range in Dakota, was once home to tribes of Native Americans. Once gold was discovered there, the tribes were removed, and relocated to a wasteland where it was almost impossible to sustain normal life and many died as a result. In the late nineteenth century, the effort to ‘civilize” native Americans entailed removing children from their families and placing them in boarding schools where they were forced to adopt European culture. They were forbidden to speak their traditional language and were forced to abandon their religious beliefs in favour of Christianity. Although Native American culture has been partially ruined, there are still people that are trying to resurrect that culture by reliving past traditions. An example is a man who has released numerous amounts of buffalo into an Oklahoman reservation.Show MoreRelatedAmerican History Essay938 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿ Question 1 Prior to the arrival of Europeans, the Iroquois developed a confederation to: control violence that may have occurred over territory conflicts. Question 2 The religious dissatisfaction, that ultimately played a factor in the colonization of the New World by Separatists, began in 1517 when which of the following men publically protested the Catholic Church? Martin Luther Question 3 Refer to the map entitled Indian Groups in the Areas of First Contact (MapRead MoreEssay on Ethnicity and Latin America1140 Words   |  5 PagesEthnicity and Latin America Latin America and the American colonies were â€Å"tamed† based on completely different ideologies. 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